What Does Child Support Cover

What Does Child Support Cover

In case you decide to call it quits with your partner, both of you would be legally and morally obliged to contribute to the upbringing of your child/children on equal grounds. That is the reason you must be willing to lend child support to your former spouse. You can consult with a family attorney to fight the child support case.

Here is all that child support may comprise of.

Food And Housing

These two things are the basics of life. No child or adult can survive without these two things no matter what. Regardless of how much you earn every month, you will have to pay the custodian for these two necessities. You will be obligated to provide your child with good, nutritious food so he does not fall victim to stunted growth. You will also be obligated to put a roof over your child’s head which will only ensure his safety.

Medical Care

Medical care is yet another basic thing every young and old need to have. If you are a parent living away from your child, you would still be bound to do whatever you can to arrange the best health facilities for them. Even if you belong to a low-income class, you would not be in a position to escape this significant part of child support. Maybe, you can try and get rid of a few other expenses but health care cannot be avoided. Your child deserves to live in a world where a health crisis cannot make him feel small and unworthy.

Educational Fees

Your child deserves to get the best possible education. You should be all the more willing to pay for this part because your child would love to know that his father/mother has big dreams for him. Every child deserves to go to a school where he can unravel his potential and explore a world of possibilities. Your ex-spouse alone is not responsible for the child’s education, you should therefore chip in.

Clothes, Toys, Gadgets Etc.

If your child visits you on weekends, you would obviously love to take them shopping, no? They would get a chance to see many amazing things and they’ll immediately get a thought of having possession of them. Now you couldn’t say no to your munchkin, can you? Well, even if you have enough guts to say it, you can’t. Child support will bound you to pay for things that might not count as a need but certainly tend to add happiness to your child’s life.

Mind it, child support can consist of peripheral needs of a child, too.


Until your child is 18 years of age, he is not responsible for any of his expenses, it’s his parents that ought to pay for everything he desires to do. If your child goes on a yearly vacation with the custodial parent, you being a non-custodial parent, will still be obliged to pay at least half of the child’s travel expenses which will include airfare, hotel stay, shopping etc. If your ex-spouse does not mind, you can accompany both of them to wherever they are headed for a vacation — it totally depends on how cordial you and your co-parent are.

Extracurricular Activities

Let’s say, if your child has a keen interest in water sports, he could be taking swimming classes on weekends, and you have to pay for it. In case, you gave birth to a soulful little person who finds solace in music, he might be interested in taking music lessons every Sunday, and you, being a divorced parent, have to pay for it. Not only will you be asked to bear all the expenses for their extracurriculars, but it will also be nice of you to show interest in their passions. Remember, children end up being more close to the parent that knows them better. Distance barely matters.

College Expenses

College fare is also one of the main responsibilities of a parent. Your child’s education will be considered incomplete until he graduates from college/university with a four-year degree. It doesn’t matter how old your child right now is. As a parent, you need to start thinking of saving for college at this very moment. You can’t have a policy of ‘’cross the bridge when I get there’’ when it’s about your child. Talk with best divorce lawyers Fairfax VA to advice on your child support case.

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