Hip Replacement Surgery – Know the Truth Behind This Procedure

Hip Replacement Surgery – Know the Truth Behind This Procedure

Hip replacement surgery is a type of surgical procedure in which prosthetic implants or artificial parts are used to replace the damaged parts of the patient’s hip joint.

There are two categories of this surgery. One is the total replacement or also known as total hip arthroplasty and the second is half or hemi replacement or known as hemiarthroplasty. In total hip replacement, both the hip bone or acetabulum and the femoral joint will be replaced while in hemiarthroplasty, this involves the replacement of the femoral head alone. These days,, this type of surgery is the most popular orthopedic operation even though there is a varied difference in the long term and short term satisfaction of patients.

What Leads to Hip Replacement

The primary reason why hip substitution has to be performed is joint failure. Joint failure could be the result of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, avascular necrosis, traumatic arthritis, protrusion acetabuli, hip fractures, benign, and malignant bone tumors.

When is the Ideal Time for Hip Replacement?

The procedure of hip replacement must be performed once the hip joint starts to experience painful symptoms which are already uncontrollable through medical treatment. Depending on the hip damage’s severity, your surgeon is going to recommend a hemiarthroplasty or total hip replacement.

Are There Alternatives for Hip Surgery?

Conservative management is the first ideal alternative to hip substitution. Before the doctor decides to whether he will perform the surgery or not, he will try some other methods first. These methods include walking aids, medication and exercise. Performing exercises can strengthen the muscles of the hip joint while walking aids like canes and walkers can help relieve stress from damaged and painful hips which will then delay or avoid surgery altogether.

For patients suffering from hip joint pain with no inflammation, the physician will suggest analgesic medication acetaminophen. Meanwhile, for those patients who have hip joint pains and inflammation, treatment can include the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs. Ibuprofen and aspiring are two of the most common types of NSAIDs.

In certain instances, a stronger analgesic medicine or product which contains both acetaminophen and narcotic analgesic like the Codeine could be prescribed by the physician to help control the pain.

Pain relief can also be achieved with the use of topical analgesic products. There are people who experience pain relief from the combination of glucosamine and chondroitin. Patients must first let their doctors know before they settle for any herbs, alternative medicines or nutritional supplements to avoid any dangerous drug interactions.

Hip resurfacing is also another alternative. It is a minor surgical procedure which involves placement of cobalt chrome metal cup on top of the femur head and a similar metal cup is then fixed into the acetabulum or pelvis socket. This metal cup on the pelvis socket will replace the hip joint’s articulating surface through getting rid of the little bone material. This metal cup is hollow in the shape of a mushroom.

The last alternative for hip replacement doctor woodbridge va is viscosupplementation. It involves the injection of the artificial lubricants to the hip joint. Hyaluronan is an example of these lubricants which can also serve as pain reliever.

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